About Beekeeper
Virginia Webb is a lifelong beekeepers with four Best Honey in the World gold medals at the World Honey Show.

My Story
Today, Virginia is a full-time commercial beekeepers and queen producers. She is a charter member of the Russian Queen Breeders Association and is the only certified Russian Queen Breeders in Georgia. For more than forty years, Virginia has championed the role of the honeybee in helping to sustain global agriculture and have helped to promote its diversified productivity, from nutritional products to health and beauty aids.
She has also been awarded four gold medals at the World Honey Show for Best Honey in the World.
2005 in Dublin, Ireland, 2009 in Montpellier, France and 2013 in Kiev, Ukraine and 2015 Deajeon, South Korea.
Carl and Virginia manage more than 400 colonies of bees plus their queen yard. Their apiaries are located in areas suitable to produce the very best Sourwood Honey. One of a very few certified Russian Queen Breeders in the U.S., their bees produce the finest honey in the world. Russian bees are well known for the large yields in honey production and resist the deadly mites infecting bees today. Whatsmore they have never been associated with the Colony Collapse Disorder that’s devastated the honeybee population.
Our honey is manufactured in nature’s most efficient factory—the beehive. Our bees are located in the mountains of North Georgia and Western North Carolina, in areas rich in native Sourwood trees. Our “staff” of over 12 million “workers” produces the very best honey you can buy. It is 100% pure and raw honey … the best nature can provide.
The Process
The Honey House is equipped to extract and bottle honey throughout both harvest seasons. Machinery uncaps the comb and uses centrifugal force to separate out the honey. It is minimally strained to remove wax particles and then pumped to holding tanks where it is bottled and sealed. MtnHoney is never heated, thus reserving all the natural enzymes, antimicrobial properties and microbial qualities that nature intended.
About Virginia Webb
Virginia is a third generation beekeeper. She began beekeeping in 1964 when her father, Joe Stephens, gave her a beehive as a birthday gift. Keeping bees in North Carolina and Tennessee, Virginia and her father shared a hobbyist beekeeping business for many years. Virginia was the first state winner in Tennessee 4-H for Beekeeping and was a Tennessee State Honey Queen.
After moving to Atlanta, GA and pursing a career in banking, Virginia began keeping bees on her farm in north Georgia and became active in beekeeping clubs. She is the past President of the Metro Atlanta Beekeepers Association and the Georgia Beekeepers Association. She is currently a member of the Board of Directors for the American Beekeepers Federation (ABF), chairs the Budget and Finance Committee and is a board member of the ABF Research and Technical committee. Virginia is also the first and only female member of the Farm Bureau Honeybee Advisory Committee. In 1993, Virginia was named Beekeeper of the Year for Georgia. In 2002, Virginia was named North Georgia Farm Woman of the Year by the Georgia Farm Bureau.

Virginia is a highly sought after speaker for the beekeeping industry and agriculture. She has worked with beekeepers in almost every state and has traveled to Europe and the Caribbean teaching beekeeping for the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture. Teaching others about honeybees and their roll in agriculture is an important service that Virginia has provided for over 30 years. Each year, she speaks to school children, church groups, civic organizations and retirement centers nationwide.
Besides being awarded Best Honey in the World four years by the World Honey Show, Virginia has won local, state, national and international competitions throughout the past 25 years. She has received more than 100 First Place Awards including Best of Show Awards for honey and beeswax entries. And for the past 5 years, MtnHoney has won America’s Good Food Award for their Sourwood Honey.
Virginia Webb is the only individual in the U.S. to hold three master beekeeper certifications, Georgia, Florida and Eastern Apiculture Society.
About the late Carl Webb
Carl Webb began keeping bees in 1959 and maintained his hobby while living throughout Europe, Africa and the United States. Eventually settling in the mountains of North Georgia, he discovered the optimum environment for producing the finest honey in the world. He is the past president of the Georgia Beekeepers Association and was honored as 2002 Georgia Beekeeper of the Year.
Carl died in 2020 after a long battle of cancer. His legacy in beekeeping continues with the hundreds of individuals he mentored for more than 50 years.

Honey Bee Movie
An inside look at honey bees and their importance to agriculture
MtnHoney in Media
The Webbs and their honey have been featured in regional and national media including the following:

Country Living
June 2010

Georgia Back Roads
Spring 2008

Lake Oconee Living
Spring 2007

Atlanta Journal-Constitution
March, 2005

N.E. Georgia Living
Summer 2004